Saturday, October 15, 2011

Need by Carrie Jones

Zara's stepfather just died, and she can't deal with it. She's spiraling further and further into depression, and in order to help her, her mother sends her away to live with her grandmother in Maine. Once there, Zara enters the local high school, immediately making both friends and enemies. However, she discovers that the man she thinks is following her and leaving a trail of gold dust is not just a figment of her imagination is the real, and dangerous, pixie king.

     I did not like this book. At all. I'd give it half a star out of five.
     Zara herself has slightly original traits (collects phobias, a member of amnesty international, pacifist), but the story does not. It follows the same overused supernatural romance plot line, and is basically twilight with pixies instead of vampires. It is not original at all, and also quite boring. I couldn't even finish it.
     Zara and Bella are even the same person, except with different quirks. They have the same views on moving, about the towns that they move into, the stupidity (except with Zara, if possible, even more stupidity). I mean, they even look alike, and don't know that they are beautiful. They both have about a million guys trying to get their attention. It becomes tiring after a while.
     I did not find Zara believable. She was just so stupid. She purposely goes against everything everyone tells her, and almost gets killed several times because of it.
    I would not recommend this book, at all. Maybe to obsessive twilight fans, who want more of the same.

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